Tourist Attractions


The city of kings

To the north is the city of Caral, the oldest civilization in the Americas, and to the south is the Pachacamac Archaeological Complex. The history of Lima predates the colonial presence. The establishment of the viceroyalty transformed the city into the main political and administrative center of South America.

During that period important temples, convents, mansions and balconies were built. The arrival of modernity did not transform the Historic Center, recognized as a World Heritage Site.

The museums with great works of art, the archaeological sites, the beaches, the boardwalk, the valleys, the flora and fauna reserves, the nightlife, the adrenaline of adventure sports and the exquisite gastronomy give the capital of Peru a authentic personality and makes tourism in Lima a unique experience.

Location: on the central west coast of Peru, on the shores of the Pacific Ocean.

Extension: Metropolitan Lima 2,817km2.

Climate: Arid and Semi-Hot

Maximum temperature 27°C81°F

Minimum temperature 14°C57°F

Access roads: It is connected by the Pan-American highway with various cities on the coast of Peru, Ecuador and Chile. To the east, the Central highway allows communication with different cities of the mountains and the central jungle.

Air access routes: regular flights to the main cities of the world from the Jorge Chávez International Airport (located in the province of Callao, 40 minutes from the city of Lima).


La ciudad Blanca

Arequipa es la ciudad de sillar ( piedra blanca), con destinos como nevados, volcanes como el Misti , profundos cañones como el Cotahuasi y el Cañón del Colca, una reconocida gastronomía, caletas y playas.

Asentada entre la costa y la sierra Sur del Peru hasta los Andes. Contiene el pico nevado Ampato (6 288 m.s.n.m.), Chachani (6 075 m.s.n.m.) y Misti (5825m.s.n.m.).

Extensión: 63 345 km2

Clima: la Región tiene clima semiárido y templado ,la temporada de lluvias se inicia en enero y concluye en marzo.

Temperatura Máxima: 22°C 72°F

Temperatura Mínima: 5°C 41°F

Vías de acceso:

Aéreo: Arequipa posee una perfecta comunicación aérea con distintas regiones del Perú. Existen vuelos aéreos diarios desde Lima hacia el aeropuerto Alfredo Chávez Ballón (1 hora de duración aproximadamente); este aeropuerto está ubicada 25 min. De la ciudad de Arequipa.

Además existen enlaces con otras regiones del país, entre ellos tenemos: Cusco (30 minutos aprox),Tacna (30 minuto aprox),Juliaca (30 minutos aprox).

Además, existen vuelos programados a Bolivia (La Paz y Santa Cruz), y Chile (Arica, Iquique y Santiago).

Las aerolíneas: LAN Airlines, Peruvian Airlines, Taca International, ofrecen vuelos diarios.

Terrestre: La principal vía es la Carretera Panamericana Sur (Lima – Arequipa). El viaje tiene una duración de 14 horas aprox. en ómnibus; 1009 Km. de recorrido.

Desde la ciudad de Lima hay servicios interprovinciales de transporte terrestre hacia esta ciudad.

Arequipa is the city of sillar (white stone), with destinations such as snow-capped peaks, volcanoes such as the Misti, deep canyons such as the Cotahuasi and the Colca Canyon, a renowned gastronomy, coves and beaches.

Located between the coast and the southern mountains of Peru up to the Andes. It contains the snowy peak Ampato (6,288 m.a.s.l.), Chachani (6,075 m.a.s.l.) and Misti (5,825 m.a.s.l.).

Extension: 63,345 km2

Climate: the Region has a semi-arid and temperate climate, the rainy season begins in January and ends in March.

Maximum Temperature: 22°C 72°F

Minimum Temperature: 5°C 41°F

Access roads:

Air: Arequipa has perfect air communication with different regions of Peru. There are daily air flights from Lima to the Alfredo Chávez Ballón airport (approximately 1 hour); this airport is located 25 min. From the city of Arequipa.

There are also links with other regions of the country, among them we have: Cusco (30 minutes approx), Tacna (30 minutes approx), Juliaca (30 minutes approx).

In addition, there are scheduled flights to Bolivia (La Paz and Santa Cruz), and Chile (Arica, Iquique and Santiago).

The airlines: LAN Airlines, Peruvian Airlines, Taca International, offer daily flights.

Land: The main road is the South Pan-American Highway (Lima – Arequipa). The trip lasts approximately 14 hours. by bus; 1009 km of travel.

From the city of Lima there are interprovincial ground transportation services to this city.


The White City